
Friday, 6 July 2012

XNA-UK UG Meet - October 17th

This post is for those of you who have not subscribed to the main RSS feed (and why not?!)

I strongly recommend you go to this as the guys from Beatnik games are showing off (and asking you to play to destruction) there first commercial XNA game Plain Sight. Also, the guys that came up with last years XNA-UK UG "Best Overall Game" Herriman - Under Pressure are going to be showing off there DreamBuildPlay entry for 2008 Sumo Squash. I am also hoping Duncan Stead is going to bring his DBP 08 entry Insane Game 3 along to as we got a peek at it when we last met and I must say it did look very promising :)

So, where is this meeting of great minds?

Here: Fri 17th October, 6pm till 8ish Microsoft, Cardinal Place, near Victoria Station (same place as last time)

I strongly urge you to go, at the last one, there was not a huge turn out, but the guys that came brought some really interesting and innovative (IMhO) stuff, so even if you don't have anything to show or tell you will get to hear and see some great stuff I am sure.

That being said, I won't be able to make this one (a small tear wells in left eye...)

Hope you go, and hope you enjoy it, it will be a good XNA evening for all I think.

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